Avoiding Nursing Home Neglect


Nursing homes are supposed tobe a place of care. Some are, yet others are not. Unfortunately, theunthinkable happens more often than we'd like to dwell on - nursing homeneglect.
It is imperative to know that there are many things you can do to protect yourloved ones when they are in a nursing hone.
At The Patient's Law Firm, we are by your side and here to fight for yourfamily and their nursing home rights to appropriate and adequate elder care.
In this article, we discuss what defines nursing home neglect and look at howit presents itself. Most Importantly, we provide you with the best practices onhow you can prevent nursing home neglect for those you care about.


Nursing home abuse ancompassesnot only physical injury but emotional abuse and neglect. When a home staffmember fails to give the care your older family member deserves their actionscould lead to harm or even wrongful death. No one wants that.
According to the Nursing, Home Abuse Center, "the improper care of nursinghome residents is shockingly common. According to the National Center for ElderAbuse (NCEA), roughly 95% of nursing home residents have been neglected or havewitnessed neglect. A lack of medical care in nursing homes can have seriousconsequences, including death.”

Common warning signs of nursinghome neglect:

  • Bedsores
  • Unexplained injuries, like     bruises, burns, or broken bones
  • Dehydration
  • Unkept personal hygiene
  • Troubles sleeping
  • Malnutrition
  • Odd changes in mood or     behavior


There are many types of nursinghome abuse and neglect - it can present itself in several ways. Knowing theneeds of a nursing care resident as well as the responsibility of the home toprovide care is essential.
Listed below are some of the ways we see folks suffering from neglect.


Basic needs in life are food, shelter, and clothing, In a nursing home, thestaff has more to be concerned with. Failure to provide basic needs may includethe following:

·      Improper room temperatura

·      Uncleanfacilities

·      Providing,food and water that is unsafe for consumption


When nursing home staff fails to meet the needs of one of their elderresidents, that can indicate medical neglect.
Medical neglect includes but is not limited to:

·      Failure toadminister medications

·      Failure toreport illness, infection, or injury to doctors.

·      Improper carefor medical conditions

·      Risking,bedsores by ailing, to move patients


Poor health encompasses several areas of one's life, no matter your age. Howthese residents look affects their physical being, as well as their emotionalwell-being.

A nursing home resident should receiveclean cothing, regular visits, clean undergarments, and the ability to bathe orbe bathed.



Most people forget how essential social interaction is to the oldergenerations. Making, sure the individuals living in the facility have a placeto make friends and get involved is a critical component of nursing and homecare.
When staff isolates a patient, and fails to provide walking assistance orwheelchair accommodations, the patient will suffer.


When any person, no matter their apr, is living, up on daily life, they willoften not be themselves. It is the staff's responsibility at the home to helpthat individual get the care they need to feel better. When they feel better,they will be more apt to participate as they are able in care.


Being aware of the risks of nursing, and home neglect can save you or yourloved one's experience, it. He is mindful of the code push characteristics ofneglecting to nurse, harness to avoid negligence, and close wisely.
So, what may cause nursing home neglect?
Is there a good reason for nursing home neglect? We think not. The situationswe see most often involved in this abuse are caused by inadequate stalling, siresands employees or overworked stalls.
Other alerts cause not locate improper training, serening, and backgroundleaks.


We know not every case of nursing horse neglect is caught on time. but if youare placing your person in the care of a nursing, home facility, you want toknow which is the best for you and your family member.
Here are some of our suggestions for choosing, a nursing, home.

1 | Carefully Choosing a Facility

When you choose a nursing home facility for your loved one or personal elderlycare, there are several things to check. All comments-funded establishmentsmust pass inspection and ask to see the report.
In addition, you can look at these measurements of a good facility.

·      Check theirreviews online.

·      Ask around topeople in the neighborhood and others you know with family in elder care.

·      Call around toask about the different places you are considering. Ask the local hospitalstaff too.

·      Talk to theirphysician.

·      Visit your topchoices. if you do not leave with a feeling of encouragement and excitement foryour loved one, you may want to look at another.

·      And ensure youhave spoken with the person that will be living in the facility. Find out whatis essential for their experience and

2 | Keeping, in Touch

Of course, communication is your first fine at defense. De sure you get somequiet time where your person will open up and talk to you about their need. Andmake sure you are making, scheduled visits and unannounced as well.

3 | Getting to Know the Caregivers

No question is a bad question. The more you ask and discuss the wellbeing ofyour loved ones, the better care they will receive, When you can help the staffcommunicate, their job is more manageable, and the care is improved. Get themon your side and treat them well.
Then they will be more inclined to help you and your elderly resident.

4 | Being Atentive

Watch your resident's mood, genital appearance, behavior, and the behavior ofthose around them. Also, please pay attention to their medications and carethrough the medical staff. Keep records of the medicines and any changes thatare made
This way, you can help the nurses if you see changes resulting from themedication.

5 | Staying Social

Help residents stay social within their community. Please encourage them tostay active and engaged.

What To Do if You Suspect Nursing Home Neglect

Despite the more evident signs, nursing home neglect can go unnoticed for fartoo long, To keep your loved one in tip-top shape and happy, employ the above techniques. Then when all else fails-
Report it!
Nursing home neglect is a serious issue, especially in the state of Florida. Wehave a large number of elderly and nursing homes.
It is an issue that folks battle daily here. Reporting a case of abuse orneglect will help your loved one and may save several others from suffering thesame fate or worse.
The avenues for reporting this abuse are easily navigated. You can call on anyof these to get the process started.

1.    Your local lawenforcement

2.    A Long-termOmbudsman

3.    AdultProtective Services

4.    Socialworkers.

Finally, you may want to get the help of a nursinghome neglect law firm like The Patient's Law Firm.


If you have caught the neglect and reached out for help, your older person hasa better chance of survival. Being proactive is critical.
The attorneys at The Patient's Law Firm are here to help you navigate the lawwhen it comes to this issue. You are not to suffer this situation alone
For a review of your case and some timely advice, contact our team to takeaction. You want the best for your loved one, and so do we.
Contact us today at The Patient's Law Firm to see how we can help.

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