How Do You Know If It Is Medical Malpractice?

You, a family member, or a close friend is hospitalized. Something unexpected happens during the hospitalization, and the patient leaves with more injuries than when entering the hospital, or even worse, they die. You are left with the question of how or why did this happen? The hospital or doctor gives you an explanation. The doctor or hospital tells you this is a known complication or there is no way to prevent this. In contrast, they don’t tell you that someone made a negligent mistake that caused a bad outcome. Medical malpractice is an all too familiar scenario that we frequently hear from our clients.

There are many scenarios that we have seen where healthcare providers have rendered medical care that is considered by their profession to have been below the standard of care required of your healthcare providers. Some common scenarios are listed here in this informative article on how to know if it is a medical malpractice case.

Medical Malpractice: Misdiagnosis or Delayed Diagnosis

Carpenter and Czelusta has represented many people and families in these cases. Unfortunately, we have seen missed diagnoses, including but not limited to the following:

  • Cancers that were never diagnosed or reported to the patient
  • Spinal cord injuries leading to a life of pain or paralysis
  • Emergent situations during a pregnancy that were missed and led to a child being born with a devastating, life-altering condition such as cerebral palsy

Missed or delayed diagnoses account for a large percentage of medical malpractice complaints. When a doctor misdiagnoses a condition (or fails to diagnose a serious disease for some time), the patient might miss treatment opportunities that could have prevented serious harm or even death.

Medical Malpractice: Birth-Related Injuries

Many fetal injuries can be caused by medical malpractice, including brain injuries (such as cerebral palsy and seizure disorders), fractured bones, and Erb’s palsy and shoulder dystocia (damage to nerves that control the arms and hands). Hospital or physician negligence can happen during childbirth or long before. If negligent medical treatment is provided during the pregnancy, it could harm the fetus or the mother. Some examples of negligent prenatal care include the physician’s:

  • Failure to diagnose a medical condition of the mother, such as preeclampsia, Rh incompatibility, hypoglycemia, anemia, or gestational diabetes
  • Failure to identify ectopic pregnancies
  • Failure to diagnose a disease that could be contagious to the mother’s fetus (such as genital herpes or neonatal lupus)

Nursing or physician negligence during childbirth could cause injury to the baby and harm the mother. Common medical errors during childbirth include:

  • Failure to anticipate birth complications due to the baby’s large size
  • Failing to identify or treat maternal hemorrhage
  • Failure to respond to signs of fetal distress that are identifiable by fetal heart rate monitoring or lack of fetal movement
  • Failure to order a cesarean section when one would have prevented harm
  • incompetent use of forceps or a vacuum extractor

Medical Malpractice: Medication Errors

According to this 2006 study, medication errors harm approximately 1.5 million people in the United States every year. While this report occurred in 2006, we at The Patients Law Firm continue to see people who suffer from these types of inexcusable errors to this day. Medication errors can occur in many ways, from the initial prescription to the administration of the drug. For example, a patient might be harmed if the doctor prescribes the wrong medication, a nurse may give the wrong medication or dosage, or a pharmacist may give the wrong drug or dosage to a customer who is filling a prescription. Some examples include the mismanagement of blood thinners leading to internal bleeding or stroke, giving medications to a patient with a known allergy to that drug, or failing to prescribe needed medication. The lawyers at The Patient’s Law Firm are both knowledgeable and experienced in representing people who have been victims of this type of preventable negligence.

Medical Malpractice: Anesthesia Errors

Anesthesia mistakes are often life-changing or even deadly. Anesthesia errors sometimes include:

  • Giving too much anesthesia to the patient
  • Failing to monitor the patient’s vital signs during surgery
  • Improperly intubating patients (putting a tube in the trachea to assist with breathing) leading to injuries such as aspiration leading to brain injury, or death.

Medical Malpractice: Surgical Errors

Some medical malpractice claims arise from mistakes made in the operating room. A surgeon might be negligent during the operation itself, including puncturing internal organs, operating on the wrong body part, not timely recognizing intraoperative bleeds, leaving surgical instruments and sponges in the body, and other complications. Likewise, hospitals and their nursing staff have been known to be negligent in administering post-op care or recognizing and reporting signs of postoperative infections, sepsis, or bleeding.

Medical Malpractice: Radiology Errors

This usually involves failing to recognize abnormalities in imaging studies such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. For example, our lawyers have seen cases where findings indicative of breast cancer are missed on a mammogram or ultrasound, missed findings suggestive of other types of cancer on CT or MRI, or missed spinal fractures. These missed findings on imaging studies often result in a failure to treat life-changing timely, and life-ending conditions.

Medical Malpractice: Spinal Surgery

We have seen cases where spinal surgeons in the fields of orthopedics and neurosurgery have been too aggressive. They recommend and perform unnecessary spinal surgery, remove too much supporting bone and cause life-long spinal instability, or advise surgeries that are too invasive, such as fusions where only a minimally invasive decompression is indicated.

When complications from an unnecessary spinal surgery such as infection or nerve damage occur, or someone’s back is destabilized due to unnecessary surgery or too aggressive surgical approach, the patient is left to pay for the surgeon’s error with a lifetime of pain and, in extreme cases, paralysis. This type of error in judgment by the surgeon is frequently medical malpractice.

Medical Malpractice: Patient Falls

Nursing errors are common in hospitals and nursing homes. Often, these errors lead to patients falling and suffering head injuries and hip fractures. Patient falls are preventable, and hospitals must assess and identify patients at risk for falling and take the measures necessary to prevent these events. Often, they fail in these duties, and the patient suffers a severe injury. Patients at risk for falling include postoperative patients, patients who suffer from weakness or dementia, or patients on medications that cause them to be disoriented or off balance.

Medical Malpractice: Bedsores

Bedsores are common in nursing homes, as are hospital falls. They are usually preventable with proper nursing care and attention to the patient. This can be a severe and sometimes fatal injury, leading to serious, life-threatening infections. Bed sores can last for years, leaving people more vulnerable to developing pressure injuries again, even after the original pressure injury has healed. Patients at risk include:

  • Those who are bed or chair bound
  • Those who suffer from incontinence
  • And those who become malnourished during their hospital or nursing home stay

Patients should be screened for this risk and, if found to be at risk, placed on a pressure-relieving mattress and turned and repositioned every couple of hours, along with other preventative measures. Unfortunately, this potentially devasting injury is common.

In the past, the US Department of Health and Human Services has published these statistics regarding pressure sores:

  • Number of People Affected: 2.5 million patients per year.
  • Cost: Pressure ulcers cost $9.1-$11.6 billion per year in the US. Individual patient care costs range from $20,900 to $ 151,700 per pressure ulcer. An average added $43,180 in fees to a hospital stay.
  • Pain: Pressure ulcers may be associated with severe pain.
  • Death: About 60,000 patients die directly from a pressure ulcer each year. This translates to 6.85 deaths every hour of every single day.

These are just a few scenarios that the lawyers at The Patient's Law Firm have seen over the years that could suggest that medical malpractice or nursing home negligence has occurred. If you have any questions about whether you or someone close to you has been injured by medical malpractice or nursing home negligence, please call our offices at 727-281-4357. Attorney Christa M. Carpenter, RN, Esq., will be happy to evaluate your case free of charge.

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