What Causes Bedsores In Nursing Homes?

The simple fact is that bedsores are caused by nursing loreneglect All too often, nursing home residents sutter from these sores due toinadequate care. Of course, this is not acceptable, The Patient's Law Firm help victims of nursing home abuse and bedsores withcompassionate representation and an ASgrentine strategy against neglect.


According to the CDC, the term "Bedsores" isdefined in the following way

“Pressure ulcers, also known as Bedsores, pressure sores, ordecubitus ulcers, are wounds caused by unrelieved pressure on the skin. Theyusually develop over berry prominences, such as the elbow, heel, and hip.shoulder, back, and back of the bead.”

Pressure ulcers, or bedsores, are a severe medical conditionand should be treated as such. 2 33% of nursing home residents have Bedsonesanywhere 1runt staeeysone loslage& work Stage 2is le rost common stage ofquiet found in these patellas, but no tellers should be allowed er felt entered

If your loved one has untreated bedsores, please call yourlocal law firm right away to take action on their behalf. The Patient's Law Firm takes the necessary measures to ensure your family member receives thecare they need.


When a person is unable to move around on their own freely, bed sores can result. That is why it is the responsibility of the caretaker, or nursing home, to help the patient move positions throughout the day and night.These are the most common reasons for bedsores that occur in nursing homes:

• Friction on the fragile skin between the bed or bed sheet and the skin's surface due to being Improperly moved.

• Failure to reposition causes continual pressure on one particular spot.

• Moisture, where the skin is not kept dry, can cause sores.

• Dehydration is caused by a lack of water consumption and skin health care.

• Malnutrition due to inadequate food and water.

• Sbear, which is when the sun moves away from the bone.



When a person remains in one place tue too long, shores can happen. When the eagle skin of an older person is compressed between The boneat the surface of the bed or wheelchair, the blood How stops in that area. There sult is that the skin dies due to a lack of markets, blood, entactogen, andbeds are large.

These sores are most often found on the tallowing parts ofthe body:

• Ankles


• Toes

• Hips

• T'ailbone


• Elbows

• Shoulder blades

Make no mistake; your loved one is in a nursing home for areason. they need the land of care you are not able to give. Therefore, thenursing home staff is responsible for following proper procedures, monitoringpatients for bedsores, and treating any issues with care and urgency.


Bedsores or ulcers are placed on a scale of 1 to 4 in termsof severity. these stages were created by the National Pressure Vices AdvisoryPanel and should be observed in all facilities.

Stage 1: Ked or discolored san is present, but the sin hasnot been broken yet. the area may be warm or hard to the touch, but it does notblanch (or lighten) when pressed on.

Stage 2: The skin is broken, and a small or shallow sorebegins to form

Stage 3: When an alter has progressed in the Tally Layer ofthe skin below.Stage 4: This is where the sore has gone to the muscle and isint ruding, on the Ine.

In any slape al bedsore or pressure user, the area should benoted on the chart, and each shill worker should be notified so they can learnthe arms around the clock. The goal is to recatch the ulcer before it reacts tothe bone or joint causing, severe problems and even Icruming later.


When entering, a nursing, home facility, the family membersshould be aware of the beds are treatment plan. Fortunately, there are ways totreat a sore should one occur. Here is what is recommended.

I. A sorr should be noted on a chart.

The anus should be washed regularly.

Ti should be treated with saline.

The patient's position should be changed often.

Bokters, pillows, or cushions should be used to alleviatepressure.

The ulcer should be kept covered, so it has time to healcorrectly.


There are simple measures the nursing, home stall can taketo alleviate the possibility of beckons for the patients in their care. Thefirst way is to be educated on the signs of bedsores.


Bedsores are easily treated when caught early and treatedwith care. These are the most common signs a person is getting bedsores.

• Upen Wounds

• Unusually soft or firm spots on the skin

• Painful or irritated marks on

• Blisters

• Red or discolored niacin

• No blanching on the skin.


There are several precautions nursing home staff can take toavoid the sores in the first place. Here are a few to keep in mind.

Comfort: Ensuring the patient has comfortable,non-restrictive clothing and shoes is a big part of sore prevention.

Changing: Be sure the patient has clothes to change into andis wearing fresh clothes each day.

Topical: Cornstarch baby powder can help with moisture onthe sian and sheets.

The Bed: Avoid using multiple sheets or pads that can getbunched up and cause uneven pressure.

5 Mtvuent: This is the biggest concern. The skin can sufferin many ways when the person cannot move around and encourage blood flow.

If the staff treating your loved one is not doing thesethings, call for help and get them the care they deserve.


Our stance, and that of the CDC, is that bedsores can beprevented and treated with proper nursing home care. When good care is nothappening in your nursing home, loved ones can file a nursing home abuselawsuit.

**Often, when several bedsores occur, there are other careissues you may not be aware of at that time.

Suppose you know someone suffering from nursing home abuse.In that case, the home can be held accountable for the physical, emotional, andfinancial damages the patient endures.

And if you need help navigating the health care laws,The Patient's Law Firm are here to help with our dually licensed experience.


When you hire a lawyer for a nursing home abuse case,The Patient's Law Firmknow just what you need to hear. Nursing home patientsand their loved ones need compassion, yes. But they also need aggressive actiontaken on their behalf. With our firm, you will get the benefit of both medicaland law experience.

When The Patient's Law Firm are on the case, we will pursue compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, pain andsuffering, and any property damage as well. But most importantly, we will be sure there are changes made in the nursing home itself.

Our expertise in the field is unparalleled due to our duallylicensed knowledge and our passion for the area.

No matter the injury, our finn is here for you. We want tocome alongside you and help encourage your healing. With the medical attentionyour loved one needs and the representation you deserve, The Patient's Law Firm is the trial attorney team you need.

If you or a loved one has been hurt and you need legal representation, contact the friendly staff and attorneys at The Patient's Law Firm right away.


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