Hurricane Preparedness for Residents of Florida

As you may know, June 1 - November 30 is hurricane seasonfor Florida residents. Being prepared for impending weather is a critical partof living in Florida's coastal areas and the inland regions. You see, when ahurricane rolls in, hurricane preparedness is essential to decrease anxiety anddeal with the storm appropriately The immediate risks associated withhurricanes include the following:

·       High Winds are the most obvious concern.Flying debris and dangerous winds can wreak havoc on your home and property, causingpersonal injury as well as home and property damage.

·       Heavy Rainfall causes flooding, rooffailure, road blockage, property damage, and more.

·       Rip Currents are often disregarded bylocals. But they take lives each year when talks are unaware or unprepared.

·       Storm Surge is another Hooding and damagerisk that causes tear and anxiety in coastal homeowners and businesses alike.As the sea levels rise, the storm pushes the water Inland destroying countlessproperties and businesses.

·       Tornado Activity is always a possibilitywhen there are high sustained winds and weather. Getting out of the path is thefirst step to being ready for the hit.

Are you and your family prepared for this year's hurricaneseason? If not, The Patient's Law Firm has prepared this guide to helpFlorida residents face the coming weather and deal with the aftermath of ahurricane.


Pre-Season Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Preparedness takes planning and effort. When theseason is upon us may be too late for some of the recommended measures you willneed to take to secure your home and family. Therefore, why not take theappropriate actions ahead of the season to ensure you are as ready as you canbe for the hurricane season ahead? Here is what we suggest at Carpenter &Caelusta In April and May of each year, Floridians can begin to prepare for theupcoming hurricane season. Theo when June rolls around, you will be able toconcentrate on your family and immediate concerns.

"Don't be caught unaware. Prepare."

·       Inspect the exterior of your home and make anyneeded repairs ahead of the season. For Instance, if you have a gutter that issagging, get it fixed and working again.

·       Look for leaks in the home's doors, windows,walls, and areas where pipes and cables enter the structure.

·       Weatherstripping should be intact and withoutany gaps or cracks on your doors and windows.

·       Clear your gutters for optimal water flow anddrainage.

·       Have your trees trimmed and cut away from thewalls of the home. If you have any old trees or branches hanging over thehouse, consider having them removed.

·       Make sure your yard drains water properly. Youshould be able to test this in the rainy months of April and May.

·       Check the fire alarms and be sure theirbatteries are changed if needed. And don't forget the carbon monoxidedetector's battery as well.

·       Know where your fire extinguisher is and thehour to use it.

·       Purchase a generator and any propane tanksneeded for extended power outages. The day before a storm, most stores will run

·       Verity all Insurance, home, auto, and Ille, Isin good standing and adequate. Know where your police are and have theinformation in an evacuation and important documents file, ready to go.

Furthermore, be sure to keep records and receipts for allwork done on the home. Suppose there ever needs to be a lawsuit concerningdamages sustained during a hurricane. In that case, you will have the papertrail required to show your homeowner-due-diligence and hurricane preparedness.


Emergency managers and weather experts coordinate each yearto be ready for tropical storms, not just hurricanes, and so should Floridians.The experts at the National Hurricane Genter have this to say:

"Tropical storm-force winds are strong enough to bedangerous to those caught in them. - Hurricane Force winds, 74 mph or more, candestroy buildings and mobile homes. Debris, such as signs, roofing material,siding, and small items left outside become flying missiles during hurricanes.Winds can stay above hurricane strength well inland. In 2004, Hurricane Charleymade landfall at Punta Gorda on the southwest Florida coast and produced majordamage well inland across central Florida with gusts of more than 100mph."

Start this season with a Hurricane Preparedness Plan foryour family and property.



Making a plan for hurricane preparedness depends on thedynamics of your family and the needs of those individuals. That said, thereare basic steps we can all take to ensure a sales season.

1.     Write down all emergency numbers, put them onyour phone, and post them in the home so all can see.

2.     Locate the safe zones in your home and plan toget all family members, including pets, to the zone.

3.     Find the nearest shelter so all can agree on onelocation. And be sure you know the quickest and safest route to get there in anemergency 

4.     Make plans for the pats in your home it is anevacuation la ordered.

5.     Ensure elderly family members are safe and awareof the weather to come.

6.     Know your flood risk and plan accordingly.

Then you can begin to gather supplies.


Keeping your family safe includes preparing for the worstand hoping for the best. Include the following provisions in your emergencypreparedness plan.

·       Food and water supply

·       First aid supplies and medication refills

·       Alternate power sources, chargers, batteries,flashlights, and candles

·       Back up computers and personal tiles.

·       Locate and prepare essential documents in caseof evacuation or other emergencies. Make copies of all and store them in yourvehicle as well as online.


Avoiding unnecessary anxiety comes with knowledge, andknowledge is power. Here Is how the National Ocean Service defines the two

Key terms.

"A naming means that hurricane conditions are expected,whereas a watch means that conditions are possible.

·       Hurricane warnings indicate that hurricaneconditions (sustained winds of 74 mph or higher) are expected somewhere within thespecified area.

·       A hurricane watch means that hurricaneconditions (sustained winds of 74 mph or higher) are possible within thespecified area.

A hurricane watch is issued 48 hours in advance of theanticipated onset of tropical storm-force winds in an area.

During a watch period, you should prepare your home for theweather to come, not when the warning is Issued. At that point, the danger riskis too high.


Listening closely to the weather services and localauthorities is imperative to a state hurricane season for all involved. What ifyou can stay at home and are not ordered to evacuate? In that case, these are afew things to consider in your hurricane preparedness plan.


Have a family meeting in the home, contact family membersoutside the area, and be sure any sick or elderly members are taken care of.Touch base to be sure all involved know the plan and are preparing.


There are several steps to preparing your home in the finalhours before a hurricane.

1.     Clear the yard of things that can catch air andcause a problem.

2.     Secure shed doors and windows.

3.     Drain the pool a little to account for the risein water level.

4.     Cover windows in case of a severe hurricane.

5.     Fill water containers with drinking water incase of a contaminated water system.

6.     Turn off the power if a line comes down or ifthere is flooding coming into your home.

7.     Secure vehicles and boats, and place them in thegarage if you can.

8.     And, of course, review your plan with thefamily.


When a hurricane is coming, be sure you listen to the newsand weather sources for up today and the minute warnings and advice. If orderedto evacuate, please heed the warning and protect yourself and your family frompersonal injury and catastrophic damage. 


We know you want to be around for your family for years tocome. Staying safe during Florida's hurricane season is an essential part ofthe Florida lifestyle. At The Patient's Law Firm, we want to be there for youand your family too Should your family, home, or property sustain any injury ordamage during a hurricane, you can count on our dual experience to get youthrough Contact our team for more information on how to deal withpost-hurricane claims in Florida. 

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