It Is Time For Back-To-School Zone Safe Driving

You can probably picture it now- school buses stacked up, kids scurrying through the crosswalks on bikes and by foot, and the endless lines of waiting parents in their cars, Soon, the school year will kick into gear, and the roads will be more congested and chaotic. As one of the many drivers on the road, it's your responsibility to practice safe driving while passing through school zones. That's why The Patient's Law Firm provides all the tips you need to ensure you are keeping school children safe. Continue reading to learn more about school zone safe driving.


If there's ever a perfect time to prioritize state driving, it's when the school year starts. Not only will there be freshly dressed kiddos and stressed-out parents on the road, but traffic will undoubtedly be congested.

It's more important than ever to slow down and be extra vigilant of the changing traffic, dynamic surroundings, and lots and lots of little pedestrians.

More cars are on the road as parents rush to drop their kids off or pick them up around their busy work schedules. Plus, Literally, millions of children all over the country are traveling to class by foot, bike, or school bus.With the busiest areas being school zones, they'll be packed with activity, especially right before and after the school day.Unfortunately, these hot spots are the leading cause of injury and death for young children.

Practicing safe driving habits is an absolute must to keep our kids safe.Remember that the most active times are between 7 to 8 AM and 3 to 4 PM, depending on when the school day begins and ends in your area. During these highly active periods, drivers must be extra alert and on the lookout for children on the roads and stopping school buses.


Aside from kids being less experienced in the bustling modern world, they have more difficulty seeing vehicles zipping down the streets. A child's peripheral vision is more limited than an adult's. Furthermore, they have a more challenging time judging a vehicle's distance and speed and are quick to assume that if they can see the driver, the driver can see them, too.

Remaining safe as a pedestrian is a bit more complicated than that. So, use the following tips and advice to protect school zones for this upcoming academic year!


School zones are located near school buildings and playgrounds. They are equipped with lower speed limits and other cautionary signals to safely allow children to walk to and from class.Perhaps there are school zones in your area you already know will be busy with kids rushing to their classrooms. However, when traveling to less familiar destinations, it's essential to be alert and aware of potential school zones.Keep an eye out for the typical signs signifying you are entering a school zone, like:

- A bright yellow crosswalk or school zone traffic sign

- Pavement markings

- Speed bumps

- Crosswalk barricades

- Crossing guards in reflective vests

These indicators and others are a clear sign you need to slow down and pay close attention to your surroundings with school zone state driving.


Anyone is more prone to mistakes on the road when they are driving in a rush or stressed. Traffic before and after the school day slows significantly in most areas, and the streets can quickly become congested.

Furthermore, the time school begins and ends often directly correlates with the times many adults are on their way to or from the office. Do yourself a favor and plan for an extra 15 minutes of drive time on your way to work and when returning home. Being aware of these busy times and leaving a few minutes earlier will reduce the stress of trying to get to work without being late. As a result, you'll be less distracted and more alert on the road.


Speaking of distractions, your mind isn't the only thing in the car that can divert your attention away from what matters most. The school year is perhaps the most critical time to do away with all distractions while driving.

This means putting your phone away- or better yet, turning it on silent or airplane mode. Set the radio before heading out of the driveway or parking lot so you aren't changing the station or finding your favorite song while operating the vehicle. Save your morning meal for the office desk or wake up five minutes earlier to eat at home.None of these typical driving distractions are worth the safety of children making their way through school, zones. You need to be ready to suddenly pump the breaks when you spot kids biking or walking to class. Or perhaps when traffic is backed up in places you wouldn't normally expect.


One of the significant safety features in school zones is the reduced speed limit. There will always be signs directing drivers to reduce their speed. The changed speed limit can be 20, 15, or even 10 miles per hour. No matter how frustrating it may be to drive at such low speeds, you must abide by the limits.

The speed limits are set to the particular area to lessen the severity or chance of injury caused by a distracted or reckless driver. It's essential to know these limits are there for a very good reason, and they must be followed.

Furthermore, be prepared for kiddos to dash out onto the crosswalk with little or no notice. Driving at a lower speed will allow you to react in plenty of time to stomp on the breaks and allow the child to cross safely.


No matter how long it takes, never pass a school bus. All over the country, it is illegal to zip past a stopped school bus. They are equipped with a stop sign that extends out and flashing lights to make all drivers aware they will need to stop and wait for the children to be dropped off or loaded up at their stop.

Unfortunately, many bus-related accidents happen due to drivers speeding ahead of a stopped school bus Other accidents occur because drivers try to get in front of a school bus at intersections and on less busy roads. Therefore, it is vital to respect children's safety when the bus has stopped and on any other part of the road, including parking lots.Additionally, keep your eye out for a running bus. School buses must take wide routes, and when your vehicle is too close, you can potentially get into an accident.

Clearly, school zones aren't the only areas where you need to use caution. On that note, watch for children waiting for their bus at typical bus stops. Otten, they are near the curb, playing with their friends, or even wandering into the streets. For this reason, it is critical to practice non-distracted driving and always reduce your speed during the school year, particularly when class is about to start, and school is let out.


If the unthinkable happens and your child is injured in a school zone accident, know that you can reach out to The Patient's Law Firm

With our experienced, concerned, and understanding team, you'll rest easy knowing you're in the right hands.School zone accidents are not a situation to be taken lightly. We must keep our children safe from harm.

So, when something so unfortunate occurs, The Patient's Law Firm are ready and eager to make things right.

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